−10% Coming soon Vyrams BIB SHORTS GOBIK REVOLUTION 2.0 BLACK 10-02-090-002 144,00 € 160,00 € Aukštos kokybės, itin lengvi ir pailginti (+2 cm), uždengiantys didesnę šlaunies dalį ir padidinantys šios srities raumenų suspaudimo laipsnį. Keturpusio elastingumo audinys, puikiai prisitaikantis prie dviratininko anatomijos. View
−10% Nauja Coming soon Vyrams BIB SHORTS GOBIK LANCER BLACK 10-02-102-005 171,00 € 190,00 € Discover the ultimate expression of innovation and performance in competition. Designed with a minimalist approach and made with 4-Way Stretch fabric, this short is the bib offers optimal muscle compression and unmatched adaptability. Its extended leg length is designed to meet the highest demands of professionals, providing greater coverage and... View